logo for protest reembodied: text in black and white
button to download the app

requires Mac OSX 10.11 or later: 300mb download

I recommend you put and run the app from your desktop. It saves your video files to where you have the app so that way the video files will be easily found and watched. The app will not work properly in your downloads folder or other places it may have difficulty saving the recorded videos.

working on a Windows version: release date TBD

Detailed instructions on setting up a backdrop and lighting for chroma keying and using the project interface to get optimal results. Also a link to a repository for downloading and printing protest posters to use to enhance your video performance

Note: This app needs access to your camera and microphone to work.

It generates a video file that has a mix of the protest video and your performance in front of your camera and has the audio from the protest video mixed with your voice from your microphone

Post your results to social media using

click to go to the setup area     click to go to the using the interface area

a group of protest posters: click to go to download site

a group of protest posters: click to go to download site

click to go to download posters

a group of protest posters: click to go to download site

a group of protest posters: click to go to download site

All the above posters are available as letter page size files to download and print. Just click the Download Posters button to go to a folder and pick which ones you want. Alternatively, create your own posters to enhance your video performance.

Post your results to social media using

Part of this project is to keep the protest movements alive and in people's minds, so by posting your resulting videos online it will extend the life and reach of this project and serve to prolong and enhance the voice of the people.
email address
I would appreciate you sending me copies of your videos too, if you are willing. Send me an email and I'll give you an upload link to get your files.
Thank you for taking the time to participate and get involved
Button to go to Protest REembodied live performance page   Protest ReEmbodied Live Performance   Button to go to Protest REembodied live performance page


Other versions of Protest


Protest Films



Installation and Performance

Superchief Gallery

Queens, NY 2018

  link button to show titled Protest at Superchief Gallery 2018


Street intervention performances at 21 locations on the streets of New York City 2017

  link button to the series of street interventions titled Protest at 21 locations around new york city


The Trump Series

NYC 2016/2017

link button to street intervention project titled Protest The Trump Series


Art in Odd Places Festival

NYC 2016

link button to show titled Protest at the Art in Odd Places festival 2016
Protest/The 99%
@ Pre-Occupation an Occupy Wall St event 2011
2 min.s
Protest/The 99%
Storefront for Art and Architecture 2011
1 min.

42 min.s 2011/2012

link button to show page titled Protest at Houton Gallery NYC 2003 link button to show page titled Protest at DUMBO Arts Festival 2004 link button to show page titled the 99% a Drive By Performance
Protest: Iraq War 2003 Protest: Iraq War 2004 Protest: The 99% 2013

view artworks (performance, installation, sculpture, video, audio, multimedia, animation and more),

Irish artist, Gearóid Dolan, a.k.a. screamachine, a.k.a. G-man

studio located in the East Village, New York City

art exhibitions in Ireland and USA

designing and producing multidisciplinary activist artworks with an emphasis on time-based media

composing and producing Jungle / Drum 'n' Bass music for the underground dance scene

as well as audio works for site-specific and gallery installation.

© Gearóid Dolan, 2020. All rights reserved